School Gardening Program

The School Gardening Program provides hands-on trainings and resources for school gardeners.  Content covers establishing successful school schoolgardens, using garden environments for effective teaching, enhancing the connections between gardens and good nutrition, and understanding the role of agriculture in our food system.  Our audience includes adults whose roles range from classroom teacher to nutritionist to parent to afterschool program coordinators.  We have been supported in this work since 1996 by various grants and contracts from California Department of Education, California Dept of Food and Agriculture, UCD College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences


Workshops for Educators 

We offer workshops for both professional and nonprofessional educators, including parent volunteers, administrators, Cooperative Extension personnel and others. Workshops are hands-on, interactive, and facilitated to encourage troubleshooting and sharing.  Participants are encouraged to come with a team or at least a partner from their school site.

Stay tuned for information on our upcoming workshops.


Over the years, we have developed a variety of resources, educational training materials and activities for school gardens. In addition, we maintain a library of garden-based education and teaching materials, children’s literature, and gardening information.  The library, located at the Student Farm, is available to UC Davis students and the public.