The Market Garden
The Market Garden was started in the early 1980s by students wishing to gain practical skills and experience in organic vegetable production and marketing to complement knowledge gained in the class room.
Today, our seven-acre Market Garden provides students with year-round opportunities to learn and participate in agricultural tasks through field activities, classes, and independent student projects. Students take the lead in all phases of organic vegetable production and marketing, including growing transplants in the greenhouse, direct seeding and transplanting of crops, field preparation, irrigation, cultivation, pest management, harvesting, packing, and marketing. The Market Garden also opportunities to specialize in vineyard management, compost production, and working in our farm shop.
Throughout the year, we are open from 8am to 12pm, Monday through Friday. Monday and Thursday are harvest days for our CSA and sales to Dining Services and the Coffee House as well as donations to The Pantry and Fruit & Veggie Up! through the Community Table Project. Non-harvest field activities take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Students can participate as volunteers and interns, or as part of university courses like PLS 049: Organic Crop Production Practices.